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    05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
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    +48 516 892 457
    +48 600 130 192

Huts in Ardens - shingles



The wood­en chalets of Les Ca­banes des Ren­si­wez are a unique re­treat in the heart of Ar­dennes nature. The cot­tages are set on high plat­for­ms among trees and rocks. Their rustic charm, made of nat­ur­al ma­te­ri­als, cre­ates an at­mos­phere of tran­quil­lity and har­mo­ny with the sur­round­ings. This is the ideal place for nature lovers and those look­ing for a unique ex­pe­ri­ence.

The project took us three years to com­plete, dur­ing which time we erected the wood­en trail and a to­tal of around 15 cot­tages in Bel­gium. Each cot­tage is unique in de­sign and foun­da­tion. We used the best ma­te­ri­als - glu­lam plat­for­ms, fired larch fa­cades, Al­tholz as a fa­cade board, topped off with shingle roofing and green roofs. 

We pre­pared the whole project in Poland and as­sem­bled it on site us­ing a he­li­copter.


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